Super Human: Neha

Started practicing Bikram Yoga: December 2010

Favorite posture: Standing Head to Knee

Why practice Bikram Yoga:

I started practicing Bikram Yoga in December 2010. So I was 22, was always very sick, could hardly ever digest my food due to which I suffered from a lack of appetite. I used to find myself at the doctors very often complaining of stomach aches and a constant feeling of being nauseous when I was finally diagnosed with the acidic peptic disease and was given loads of medication to take daily. I constantly felt lethargic and tired. Every time I went out with friends or family I would hardly talk to anyone or actually have a good time in that present moment because I never felt good internally. It was on one of these evenings when I was out with a few friends when someone kept going on about this new yoga school that had opened up and how much she loved it and she kept saying ” hot yoga” it was the first time I had ever heard such a thing!!! She kept saying how I must try and how it’s the best thing she’s ever done for herself.
Well, a couple of days later I found myself signing into my first class at Bikram Yoga Pune. When the class started , about 20 minutes into the class I wanted to run, I imagined myself rolling up my mat and walking out of that door to never return again. Expect if I left it meant giving up on a real chance to maybe finally have a technique to guide me through and out of the mess I had made of my body. So I stayed and all I have to say is at the end of those 90 minutes in just one class I felt like I had never felt before. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this good about myself, specifically my body.

I went back again the next day to buy a year-long membership and never stopped going. Bikram yoga became my lifestyle it wasn’t just something I did once a day it was the one thing I revolved around the rest of the things in my day around. A month into practice I stopped all medication, I felt like a brand new person. Every day that I stepped onto my yoga mat I knew I was healing myself, one class, at a time. I was lucky to have some of the most supportive and caring teachers who encouraged me to go to the 9-week teacher training in Los Angeles in Spring of 2012.

The decision to go to training was taken to use that time to heal to get healthier. I went to training with the thought that I would use those 9 weeks to become a healthier and stronger version of myself. I didn’t think I could ever teach but in my second last posture clinic the feedback I received was to schedule my first class! I laughed because I didn’t think I would ever be able to stand on a podium and guide people through a 90-minute class. I have always been an extremely shy and introverted person who stammered if I had to speak to a group of people. But the universe has a way of working things out and 2 weeks after training I was in India at Bikram Yoga Pune teaching my first class!

In the last five years, I have had the honor to teach and guide a lot of wonderful people through this amazing magical thing we call “Bikram Yoga”

Bikram yoga changed my life!

When Bikram says- give me 30 days I’ll change your body, give me 60 days I’ll change your life. All I can say is no truer words have ever been spoken.

I was sick I was shy I hardly spoke to people.
6 years of Bikram Yoga and I find myself traveling teaching around the world with the amazing benefits of this life-changing practice and the pure joy of seeing so many different people from different walks of life; different shapes and sizes practicing Bikram Yoga, watching them change are what gives me the confidence to teach. Because it shows me what’s possible, how hard people can work. I now know what it looks like when people fall and rise again. It’s proof that broken bodies can be fixed. It’s been the most rewarding and beneficial decision to have walked into that hot room one cold December evening and the best decision to have got on that flight to Los Angeles in April 2012.

I say this all the time – do the best you can every single day because Bikram Yoga is the one thing that never fails to reward an honest effort