Bikram Yoga Online

Private Class Online

International Virtual Bikram Yoga School

Humans of Bikram Yoga’s virtual approach to providing yoga classes during the current global situation enables students to fit yoga around other life priorities. It is important to understand that HOBY is neither a fitness program nor an online studio. It is a virtual school with professional and certified teachers who teach the Bikram sequence with authentic instructions to ensure a safe yoga experience for our students. We wish to spread this healing sequence around the world and at the same time preserve Bikram Yoga in its original form for future generations.

HOBY students will be supported in their commitment to pursue health and wellness through the Bikram Yoga practice. As the school grows, we will be introducing workshops, posture clinics, Q & A sessions, demonstration videos, Bikram Yoga breakthrough program, an online audio and video library, the list is endless. This is to let you know that you can look forward to progressing and growing as we grow stronger into a global community.

Humans of Bikram Yoga

School guidelines and class etiquette

“If YOU cannot go to Bikram Yoga,
we will bring Bikram Yoga to the YOU.”

Let’s suffer apart, but together for 90 minutes NOT 90 years.

Please be an exemplary student and follow HOBY guidelines to ensure we all have a good practice. This yoga is sought out mostly by people who wish to heal. Even though it’s virtual, Changu believes every student has a profound contribution to the overall energy of this group therapy.

So …
Eyes Open. Breathing Normal.

Reading carefully 🧐

1. The subject of every class is Self Realization.
“Study Thy Self” so you can “Know Thy Self”
As Bikram quotes countless times: “Yoga is the only subject in the world where the subject and the object are the same!” In other words, you learn to get to know your “self” by studying your “self” All over. Inside out. Bones to Skin. Fingertips to your toes.

2. The most important lesson for every class is to bring into practice the 5 aspects of the mind as identified by Bikram for his sequence:


HOBY is a virtual school therefore students are fully responsible for creating a safe environment for them to practice in. Students should not push for depth if they do not have the ideal heat and humidity. We have to make Bikram Yoga a sustainable practice. This yoga is something you can do for the rest of your life. Besides, Rome wasn’t built in one day right? Neither will your strength 🤪 So yeah! Take it easy honey! Remind yourself, “Yoga Practice” NOT “Yoga Perfect” 👍🏽

3. HOBY has a “Zero Tolerance” policy towards any kind of disruption to the meditation of other students. We take this practice very seriously. This is not a cheesecake factory. We don’t sell flowers here.

4. In Pakistan they call teachers “Roohani Waaldein”
The literal translation would be = “Spiritual Parents” in other words, teachers are considered as parents of the spirit, because like a parent a teacher cares for the safety, growth, success and achievements of their students.

ALL HOBY Teachers are CERTIFIED by Bikram Choudhury himself. They didn’t do a weekend yoga course. The Bikram Yoga Teacher Training is at least a 900 hour intensive training. Bikram Teachers gave 9 weeks of their lives, time, money, energy, tears and gallons of sweat to learn how to teach this yoga in the safest and most effective way. So please respect the Teacher. That also means that when you go into Savasana, do your best to lay down with your head towards the teacher or at least your side. Put your feet AWAY from the teacher please. It is disrespectful and is also an invasive view for the teacher.

5. ZOOM link is not permitted to be shared.
Under no circumstances can one student share HOBY Zoom links with another student. If an issue arises please contact us and we will take care of it.

6. HOBY classes start on the dot. Please make sure to log in anywhere between 5 minutes – 15 minutes before the start of class. Once class has started, (after 5 minutes) access to the class will NOT be granted. Use this the extra time to get to know other Humans of Bikram Yoga from all over the world.

Price Plans

✨ All prices are in Canadian dollars and are inclusive of HST.

✨ All prices are in CAD (Canadian dollars) for students living in Canada and in USD (American dollars) for students living outside of Canada.

✨ Canadian students pay through Interac e-transfer to:

✨ International students pay through Paypal:

✨ If students pay and for whatever reason, miss the class they signed up for, they will receive a recording to use, within 24 hours. We do not offer refunds.