Works out every single muscle, bone, joint, tissue, ligament, organ, gland, every molecule, every cell in your body
It’s a marriage between your heart and lungs (they work together for the first time)
Good for the heart – great cardio posture
Trims waist line.
Tones hips, legs – especially works on reducing saddlebag fat
Prevents overproduction of the stress hormone – cortisol
Regulates hormones to prevent chemical imbalances
Exercises vital systems of the body – cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, immune, and reproductive systems
Good for the cervical spine
Beneficial posture for frozen shoulders
Master posture for concentration because it uses everything in the human body
Great hip-opening posture
Prevents and/or helps cure all kinds of digestive problems like anorexia, constipation, colitis, low blood pressure, appendicitis and menstrual disorders
Helps cure rheumatism, spondylitis and lumbago
Helps reduce internal inflammation of internal organs